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Run-Out Check Systems for FASEP wheel balancers

3M798 SCANNER SONAR Sonar Scanner The Sonar Scanner allows to measure run-out of tire and rim with 1mm accuracy. It completely integrates with Videotronic.Ce software and it allows to visualize the following data:
  • point-by-point measure of run-out
  • maximum deviation
  • first harmonic and peak-to-peak
  • point of maximum deviation
  • calculation of the best matching of parts, to solve the typical problems of vibrations while driving
3M833 SCANNER SONAR 3D.Scan The 3D.Scan control system allows to measure the run-out of tire and rim with 1mm accuracy, as well as Side Slip of tire. It completely integrates with Vdt.CE software and it allows to visualize the following data:
  • point-by-point measure of run-out
  • maximum deviation
  • first harmonic and peak-to-peak
  • point of maximum deviation
  • side-slip for 4 wheels
3M878 3D WALL SCANNER The 3DWall control system allows to measure the profile of tire and run-out of tire and rim with 0,1mm accuracy, as well as Side Slip of tire. It completely integrates with Videotronic.Ce software and it allows to visualize the following data:
  • tire profiler
  • point-by-point measure of run-out
  • maximum deviation
  • first harmonic and peak-to-peak
  • point of maximum deviation
  • side-slip for 4 wheels
  • best match for 4 wheels position depending on side slip data